Originally, the concept of Bais Mussar was established Vilna, Lithuania by Reb Yisroel Salanter, the known founder of the Mussar movement.

Bais Hamussar in Yerushalayim was founded by Rav Shlomo Wolbe z"l, the known Mashgiach of the new generation.

The purpose of a Bais Hamussar is to provide to a person who years for self improvement spiritual developement - a place to calmly sit, learn Mussar and think. 

The Bais Hamussar in Yerushalayim was established on 1982, when Rav Wolbe moved from Beer Yaakov - where he had established a well known Yeshiva - to Yerushalayim.

Bais Hamussar is currently active in Yerushalayim with lectures and quiet time for studying.

Mussar is a practice that gives concrete instructions and guidelines to help you live a meaningful and ethical life.  

 Bais Hamussar Address: Ohalei Yodef 17, Gush Shmonim, Jerusalem, Israel. רחוב אוהלי יוסף 17, גוש 80, ירושלים, ישראל